Acorn Woodpecker - Battiste's Bed, Breakfast and Birds
Cassin's Kingbird - Battiste's Bed, Breakfast and Birds
Gila Woodpecker - Sonoran Desert Musuem
Song Sparrow - Battiste's Bed, Breakfast and Birds
Lesser Goldfinch - Battiste's Bed, Breakfast and Birds
House Finch - Battiste's Bed, Breakfast and Birds
Bridled Titmouse - Battiste's Bed, Breakfast and Birds
Mexican Jay - Battiste's Bed, Breakfast and Birds
White-winged Dove - The Pond at Elephant Head
Canyon Towhee - The Pond at Elephant Head
Greater Roadrunner - The Pond at Elephant Head
Arizona Woodpecker - Dano's Mountain Site
Black-headed Grosbeak - Dano's Mountain Site
Gila Woodpecker - Gilbert Riparian Preserve
Lazuli Bunting - Battiste's Bed, Breakfast and Birds
Gila Woodpecker - Ash Canyon Bird Sanctuary
Blue Grosbeeak - Santa Rita Lodge
Northern Cardinal - The Pond at Elephant Head
Pyrrhuloxia - The Pond at Elephant Head
Ladder-backed Woodpecker - The Pond at Elephant Head
Lark Sparrow - The Pond at Elephant Head
Broad-billed Hummingbird - Santa Rita Lodge
European Starling - Gilbert Riparian Preserve
Elf Owl - Battiste's Bed, Breakfast and Birds
Elf Owl - Battiste's Bed, Breakfast and Birds
Pyrrhuloxia - Battiste's Bed, Breakfast and Birds
Hepatic Tanager - Santa Rita Lodge
Curve-billed Thrasher - The Pond at Elephant Head
Cactus Wren - The Pond at Elephant Head
Golden Wasp - The Pond at Elephant Head
Varied Bunting - The Pond at Elephant Head
Gambel's Quail - The Pond at Elephant Head
Long Ear Myotis Bat - The Pond at Elephant Head
Long Ear Myotis Bat - The Pond at Elephant Head
Arizona Brown Bat - The Pond at Elephant Head
Lark Sparrow - The Pond at Elephant Head